The choir

St Botolph’s is proud of its voluntary, non-auditioned choir, that meets each Sunday before the morning service, usually a Sung Eucharist but once a month Choral Mattins. Choral Evensongs also occur from time to time in place of sung morning worship.
Some members attend each week, forming the backbone of the choir while others, with family and other commitments, come when they can, especially for ‘Big’ events, such as the annual Requiem (Fauré, Duruflé, and more) that takes place around All Souls Day, and the annual Carol Service, when we have anything up to 30 in the choir.
Members of the choir are drawn from all choral backgrounds; the essential requirements are enthusiasm and a basic ability to read music. All voice parts are welcome.
The Choir is directed by Roland Robertson, formerly Director of Music at Bradfield and at Prior Park in Bath, and Director of the vocal ensemble Opus Anglicanum.
The choir recently performed in Venice, singing Sunday Eucharist at St George's Anglican Church and a concert of English Tudor masterpieces in the Scuola Grande dei Carmini, as part of the Venice Music Project. Recent repertoire has included Bryan Kelly ‘Crucifixion’, Stanford 'Beati' and ‘O for a closer walk', canticles in D by Dyson, settings of 'Ave verum' by Elgar and Mozart, and Masses by Haydn, Charles Wood and Charles Gounod. Choral Mattins for the 700th Anniversary of the Accession included Handel's 'Zadok the Priest' with organist David Poulter. For Candlemas 2024 the choir sang a pre-Reformation Latin Vespers as the conclusion of a workshop project on chant notation.
If you would like to try out the choir, please contact Roland directly on