Holy Baptism (also known as Christening)
Jesus was baptised by St John the Baptist in the River Jordan (St Mark 1.10). He has commanded His Church to make disciples of all people by baptising them (St Matthew 28.19). The first occasion occurred on the Feast of Pentecost (Acts 1.37-39) – the coming of the Holy Spirit, which we too receive at Baptism.
Baptism symbolises a washing away of our fallen human natures and a rising to a new spiritual life. Jesus said Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God (St John 3.5).
It is open to everyone, no matter how young or old, to be baptised. It is the first step on our Christian journey. By Baptism we become a member of the Church, ie the Body of Christ; and we belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Baptism takes place at St Botolph’s during the 11am Sung Eucharist on Sunday. This is because the candidate can be surrounded by the church in this place who join in the welcome of each new Christian. Baptism services are also held at the Cathedral from time to time.
contact us for more information.