Our faith and how we practise it

Our faith
to worship God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the beauty of holiness
to proclaim and teach the good news of Jesus Christ
to use the gifts God has given us to do His will and build his kingdom on earth
to enable each other to grow in faith, hope and love
to be a loving and inclusive church family
to be faithful to our calling
How we practise it
God, who made us all, who in Jesus died and rose for us all and who fills us all, is at the centre of the lives of all the members of our church family. All that we have is from God; all that we are is for God; all that we do is with God. Through worship, prayer, service and mission we seek to do God’s will and to build His kingdom.
Jesus is made known to us, and we receive him, in the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine. The heart of our life and fellowship together is the Holy Communion. We aim to be the Lord’s people around the Lord’s table on the Lord’s day on Sunday.
In the beauty of holiness of our dignified Prayer Book liturgy, we offer God thanks and worship, as we hear his word, receive forgiveness for our sins, offer ourselves to him and receive spiritual food for our journey and strength to do his work. At each Holy Communion service, we open ourselves to be transformed by the word we hear and the Sacrament we in faith receive.
We dedicate our lives to the love and praise of God and the love and service of our neighbour, seven whole days, not one in seven. We believe that God has given every one of us gifts and time to be used in his service, in this place to which he has called us and in all the circumstances of our daily lives. Through our baptism each of us has a ministry in the body of Christ and we encourage each other to find and exercise that ministry.
Inclusive, friendly and welcoming
God accepts each of us as we are and we in turn seek to accept each other and to welcome all who come to share our worship. We believe that in Christ we are all equal. With all our faults and weaknesses, we are a family and a home, offering friendship and support, open to all who form part of our community.
Jesus commands us to serve one another and to show his self-giving love. We are to be outward, not inward, looking people. We seek by our lives to proclaim the gospel both in word and deed to all whom we meet. Reconciliation, justice and peace and the care of God’s creation lie at the heart of our service to the world.
We believe that we have received freely from God and that we must give freely of our time, our gifts and our money. We give financially, not only for the work of our parish church, but also, through the church, to those in need and to the wider mission of the church. We aim to give sacrificially, and regularly, to uphold and further our life and witness in this place.
All of us need to grow in our faith, so that we may bear fruit for God. All of us sit at the feet of Jesus, learning to be his disciples, learning to pray, learning the richness of his word, becoming more fully the body of Christ in this place.
Jesus commissions us to make disciples and each of us seeks, by the witness of our lives, to bring people to God. We seek, through the love of God and neighbour shown in our worship and our welcome, to bring more people into our church family.